Don't let the virus put a damper on your joy! We have curated three festivity formats along with package options for to choose from:

We’ve been stuck inside together for awhile, but we still need to find joy and celebrate.
We can help your family mix it up and be festive, even when it is just with your SHELTER IN PLACE crew!
We’ll provide you with a curated Party in a Box to make it super easy to celebrate right in your own home...
Just because we can’t gather in person, does not mean we can’t celebrate WITH our friends!
We’ll provide the guest of honor and your selected VIRTUAL guests with little boxes of party fun.
Just pick a date, set up a ZOOM or Google Hangouts, etc. call, invite friends and then let the festivities ensue…
Feel like you need to honk a horn in delight? Then invite friends & family to load up into their decorated cars, along with a poster or sign and drive by your house.
They will literally show their love as they PARADE past with a honk and a wave!
We will provide you with an invite and some fun decor to make sure this milestone does not go by without fan fare...